NDIS Reduces Funding for Music and Art Therapy Home » News Articles On Tuesday 26th November, the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) released a statement indicating significant changes to its funding for music therapy and art therapy, drawing mixed reactions...
Neurological Fatigue & Associated Conditions Home » Exercise Physiology » Page 2 What conditions cause neurological fatigue? Fatigue is a very common problem, causing approximately 1.5 million Australians to see their doctor each year. There are numerous reasons...
How Physiotherapy Helps Stroke Patients Home » News Articles How Physiotherapy Helps Stroke Patients If you or someone you love has had a stroke, you’re not alone. Statistics show that more than 445,087 Australians are currently living with the effects of stroke.[i]...
NDIS Dietetics for People with Coeliac Disease Home » Disability and NDIS Dietetics and Coeliac Disease How a dietitian can help people with disability manage coeliac disease In Australia, it’s estimated that 80 per cent of people with coeliac disease don’t know that...
Down Syndrome Exercise and Nutrition Home » Client Stories What is Down Syndrome? Down Syndrome is a genetic chromosomal disorder that causes intellectual and developmental delays, and physical complications including an increased risk of heart disease, hypotonia,...
Exercise for Muscular Dystrophy What is Muscular Dystrophy? Muscular Dystrophy (MD) is a chronic disability that prevents the production of dystrophin in the body; a protein essential for the building and repairing of muscles. It has been reported that, for people...