How Effective Manual Handling Techniques can Transform Physiotherapy Outcomes for NDIS Participants Home » Physiotherapy As experts in movement and function, physiotherapists play a key role in supporting NDIS participants to achieve optimal mobility, wellbeing, and...
Manual Handling Solutions for Complex Disabilities Home » Physiotherapy Manual handling sounds simple enough given it is about supporting someone to move from one position to another. But it can become significantly more challenging in the context of severe or complex...
How Children’s Physiotherapy Can Improve Developmental Delays Home » Physiotherapy If you have a child with developmental delay, physiotherapy will often play an important role in supporting them to gain independence and reach their full potential. Our guide...
How to Choose the Right Paediatric Physio for your Child Home » Physiotherapy If your child has a disability or developmental delay, paediatric physiotherapy will likely play a crucial role in supporting them to reach their goals. Physios are university- qualified...
What to Expect During A Paediatric Physio Session Home » Physiotherapy As a parent or carer, you want the best for your child. If your child has a disability or chronic health condition, paediatric physio can contribute to helping them thrive. Paediatric physiotherapy...
Common Conditions Treated by Paediatric Physiotherapists in Australia Home » Physiotherapy Paediatric physiotherapy is a specific branch of physiotherapy that focuses on treating children from infancy to adolescence. Paediatric physiotherapists work with children and...