Get to know your NDIS dietitian, Jia Wei Rossiter We’ve asked our sweet, very competent and patient dietitian, Jia Wei Rossiter, a couple of questions so that you can get to know her! Why did you become a dietitian? I have always enjoyed helping others,...
Get to know your NDIS dietitian, Rachel Callaghan We’ve asked our compassionate, bubbly and friendly dietitian, Rachel Callaghan, a couple of questions so that you can get to know her! Why did you become a dietitian? My parents both have serious health...
7 Fun Exercises for Kids with Autism Home » Exercise Physiology Exercise is vital for healthy growth and development in all children, but kids with autism often have trouble getting enough physical activity. Autism spectrum disorder (also simply known as autism or...
Multiple Sclerosis & Physiotherapy Home » Exercise Physiology World Multiple Sclerosis Day is coming up this May 30th, and the theme is ‘Connections.’ The aim of World MS Day this year is to encourage community building, connection to self, and connections to...
Hi, my name is Amy Cordwell, and I am a Dietitian! I am the latest addition to the Active Ability team on the Sunshine Coast. I grew up in the more regional areas of the Sunshine Coast, living on a cattle farm. I am not afraid to get down and dirty to get the job...