Sharon Rajasooriyar Dietitian-2

Get to know your NDIS dietitian, Sharon Rajasooriyar


We’ve asked our lovely Canberra-based dietitian, Sharon, a couple of questions so that you can get to know her!


Why did you become a dietitian?

I have always loved food and cooking and have always been intrigued by how the body works as well as the influence nutrition has on this. I also love helping and sharing my nutrition knowledge with people whether it be discouraging my housemates from eating instant noodles every day or encouraging children at my previous After School Care job to eat a vegetable at afternoon tea. My love for food and helping others inspired me pursue a career in Dietetics.



What has led to your passion for disability?

When I finished university, I wasn’t too sure what area of dietetics I wanted to work in. I then did an internship at an NDIS therapy provider, and found I really enjoyed working in the disability space. I liked how each day was different and that the impact made on each client’s life was enormous. I think that everyone, regardless of their abilities, deserves equal opportunity and access to not only good healthcare, but also nutrition support, which is often overlooked. So, I think working in the disability space allows me to make a really meaningful difference in my client’s life.



Do you have a memorable experience of assisting a client to achieve their goals that you’d like to share?

One of my first clients was a client with dementia who wanted to eat healthier and improve his overall health and wellbeing. From the day I met him and his support team, they were both super keen to make changes and learn more. I spoke to them about the importance of including more vegetables in his diet, the importance of calcium and also the need for plenty of water to help support brain function. The client took on board the advice and practical recommendations provided to him, and by the third session with him, he was meeting every single food group recommendation! This client’s enthusiasm to change his nutritional intake encouraged me to keep going to change more lives through nutrition.



What do you like to do in your spare time?

I like going on long walks when the sun is out or doing some paint by numbers. I also enjoy spending time with friends and eating good food.



What is your favourite food?

I could eat Dumplings for the rest of my life 3 times a day and not get sick of it.



In another life, if you weren’t a dietitian, what do you think you’d be doing?

I’d probably be a pastry chef and open my own café.


What is one thing that peeople would be surprised to learn about you?

I used to play the piano, violin and flute when I was little. I learnt to play the flute about 15 years ago and still play in my free time.

Favourite movie, book and holiday?

Movie – The Lion King

Book – Any of Cathy Glass’s books (They are stories about experiences of fostering and social services in the UK).

Holiday – My trip to Cairns and swimming on the Great Barrier Reef




Thanks so much to Sharon for sharing more about herself and her reason for working in disability with our community!! We hope that you’ve enjoyed getting to know her! If you’d like to arrange services with Sharon or another of our therapists, please contact us today!

Contact Us


Sharon Rajasooriyar provides Active Ability’s dietetic services in Canberra. Specifically, you would see Sharon in Gungahlin, Belconnen, North Canberra, Weston Creek, Queanbeyan, Woden and Tuggeranong.