Get to know your NDIS exercise physiologist, Sarah Yee
We’ve asked our kind, organised and dedicated exercise physiologist, Sarah Yee, a couple of questions so that you can get to know her!
Why did you become an exercise physiologist?
I became an Exercise Physiologist because I love working with people, I love exercise and I love seeing the joy that exercise can bring when changing someone’s life!
What has led to your passion for disability?
After working with several clients with a disability as a support worker and during university placement, I became aware of the potential effects that some people’s disabilities have on their day to day life; that it made tasks such as getting out in the community or doing activities around the home more difficult. I realised that I took all of that for granted. Through working in the disability sector, I get to do meaningful work that strives to change a person’s life for the better and helps them achieve their goals.
Do you have a memorable experience of assisting a client to achieve their goals that you’d like to share?
One of my clients had the goal of improving his strength and fitness so that he could participate in a community walkathon. Our sessions together incorporated strength exercises and walking to help him achieve those goals. I created an exercise tracker for him to write down what he completes each day and also helped to train his support workers so that he could do exercise outside of our sessions together. For the past 9 weeks he has been regularly engaging in his exercise program with the help of his support workers. He finally got the chance to participate in the walkathon and he successfully completed it and was very proud of himself and his achievement!
What do you like to do in your spare time?
In my spare time I like to watch crime documentaries/movies, watch professional netball games and play some frisbee and netball myself!
What is your favourite sport or physical activity?
My favourite sport is netball. I’ve been playing every year since I was about 10 years old!
In another life, if you weren’t an exercise physiologist, what do you think you’d be doing?
In another life I would be a primary school teacher as I’ve always loved working with children.
What is one thing that people would be surprised to learn about you? Do you have a hidden talent?
People are always surprised that I can’t use chopsticks!
What is your favourite movie, book and holiday?
Favourite movie/tv show: Criminal Minds
Favourite book: Gone Girl
Favourite holiday: My trip to New Zealand with my grandparents, aunties, uncles and cousins (total of 28 people!)
Thanks so much to Sarah for sharing more about herself and her reason for working in disability with our community!! We hope that you’ve enjoyed getting to know her! If you’d like to arrange services with Sarah Yee or another of our therapists, please contact us today!
Sarah Yee provides Active Ability’s exercise physiology services in Ryde, North Shore and Hornsby. Specifically, you will find her in or around Macquarie Park, North Ryde, Marsfield, Roseville, Killara, Gordon, Pymble, Turramurra, St Ives, Wahroonga, Hornsby and Asquith.