Check out of one of our amazing clients, Amanda. Amanda is currently seeing one of our Exercise Physiologists to manage her hyperlipidaemia (cholesterol) and her weight. We have been working with Amanda and her staff to complete a regular exercise program, so that she can complete from home! Apart from enjoying exercise, Amanda loves going to work 4 days a week. It keeps her busy and gives her the opportunity to keep in touch with friends.
“I love exercising because it makes me feel good and I have more energy
My name is Amanda, but you can call me ‘Mandy.’ I live in a group home and need help staying active.
The staff at my home are great! They help me complete the exercises and the best thing is they complete it with me! They are also getting fitter with me. My exercise program uses my whole body. We even manage to do a walk around the block as a warm up! This was something I didn’t know I could do because of my weight and conditions.
What does the evidence suggest?
Why is exercise important in people living with mild intellectual disability?
Overall, physical activity amongst people with intellectual disabilities are very low. This may be attributed to a lack of access, low confidence and low self-esteem to engage in the community. Exercise can help increase confidence, self-esteem and knowledge about exercise so that positive behaviours are adopted, and these individuals are able to make healthier and active choices in life. (Rimmer et al., 1993)
Key Benefits:
- Promotes positive wellbeing and social integration
- Improvement in working memory
- Exercise is essential in brain development, particularly in the prefrontal and cortical areas
- Exercise enhances the production of hormones and forms neuronal connections to enhance brain function
(Alesi, M et al., 2014)
References used:
Alesi, M., Battaglia, G., Roccella, M., Testa, D., Palma, A., & Pepi, A. (2014). Improvement of gross motor and cognitive abilities by an exercise training program: three case reports. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 10, 479–485.
Rimmer JH, Braddock D & Fujijura G. 1993 Prevalence of obesity in adults with mental retardation: Implications for health promotion and disease prevention. Mental Retardation, 31, 105-110.
If like Mandy, you too would like to see an Exercise Physiologist in your own home, please give us a call today or click here.
The Active Ability Team xx