Get to know your NDIS dietitian, Jia Wei Rossiter
We’ve asked our sweet, very competent and patient dietitian, Jia Wei Rossiter, a couple of questions so that you can get to know her!
Why did you become a dietitian?
I have always enjoyed helping others, talking, building meaningful relationships and on top of that, food! Up until about late primary school, I did not know that there was actually a job that was a combination of all of these things, until a family member met and worked with a dietitian! That was one of the biggest things that got me interested in this field.
What has led to your passion for disability?
When I finished my studies, I was not too familiar with working with individuals with a disability. However, since starting with Active Ability over a year ago, I have found this space to be so incredibly rewarding for both the client and myself. In this space, what others often consider a small win is sometimes the biggest of wins!
Do you have a memorable experience of assisting a client to achieve their goals that you’d like to share?
One of my younger clients has autism and when I first met him, he had a very select few foods he would eat, touch and see! Let alone go in the kitchen to help mum out. He was not familiar with the kitchen space or where utensils and foods were kept.
Though we are still working on expanding his food base, in the 6 months we have been working together, he is now playing with foods outside his select few and helping with washing, some cleaning in the kitchen and is able to collect utensils and items from the fridge! It is a fabulous win for him! So proud of him and am looking forward to where he will go next!
What do you like to do in your spare time?
I love to swim, catch up with friends and family (at a good place to eat!), spend time with my pets and go for an early morning drive to catch a sunrise with my partner.
What is your favourite food?
My favourite food.. that is SO tricky.
I honestly (and I wish I didn’t love it this much) love chocolate! And believe it or not, I love a good slice of bread!
In another life, if you weren’t a dietitian, what do you think you’d be doing?
I think, in another life I would have chosen to become a speech pathologist! Or would have loved to do something like the Royal Flying Doctor Service!
What is one thing that people would be surprised to learn about you? Do you have a hidden talent?
Hmmmm – I actually started piano at the age of 6 (with my grandma teaching me most of my life) and completed my AMus Diploma at the age of 18 and was about to complete my LMus Diploma, but stopped to focus on my food studies!
What is your favourite movie, book and holiday?
Movie: War and Peace (love Audrey Hepburn!)
Book: Anything Roald Dahl or Agatha Christie
Holiday: This is tough!! I think Canada for sure!
Thanks so much to Jia Wei for sharing more about herself and her reason for working in disability with our community!! We hope that you’ve enjoyed getting to know Jia Wei! If you’d like to arrange services with Jia Wei or another of our therapists, please contact us today!
Jia Wei Rossiter provides Active Ability’s dietetic services in the North Shore, Northern Beaches, Hornsby and Hills District of Sydney. Specifically, you will find her in or around Hornsby, Beecroft, Pymble, Chatswood, St Leonards, Dee Why, Manly, Narrabeen, Castle Hill, Cherrybrook.